PHILIPSBURG -- On the occasion of the celebration of 10-10-2020, the police union, Nederlandse Antillen Politiebond, NAPB, wishes to extend the following message to all police officers.2020 has been a difficult year for law enforcement. It started out as a hero for COVID-19. All of a sudden everything changes, because of the actions of one (1) person. And certainly, we are condemning those actions of those people, but I am seeing police officers now second-guessing their job or positions they took. Let me just remind everybody. It coming to a point, where you‘d begin to have perspective. You’ve to make a decision on whether or not you sticking around, because if you‘re sticking around, which I think many of you are, then you have to start seeing things in a different light. It is not fair for all the police officers, who now put this uniform on every single day and show up to do the job, the selfless job, being often most unrewarded job there is. Showing up in the face of danger. Dealing with things that regular people don’t want to deal with. And yet all of a sudden, all that selflessness, all that praise has gone away in an instant. And I could imagine that many of you are feeling like this isn’t worth it, it’s just not worth it. And I can understand where those feelings come from. I empathize with that, but let me tell you this; You are coming to a crossroads in your life, where you have to dig deep in your soul and you have to make a decision am I staying or am I leaving. And this challenge isn’t easy. It is not meant for everybody. It takes a real strong-minded person to ignore, the negative and focus on the positive. But you have to clear your mind, because showing up to work with a poor attitude, being upset, being mad at the world, it’s not just going to cost somebody else their life, it could cost you, your life. I will remind you that you must, you must show up to do the job, but a different mindset. You cannot be jaded. You cannot be angry or mad, because the person who is looking to cause harm to you or kill you, doesn’t care how you feel. So when you riding that patrol car and that call comes in, don’t forget, it is a call from somebody who needs you to show up, who needs you to be mentally correct to be there, to save their lives. Because if you take your time to get there because you’re mad at what things are going on right now, it would not be fair to your friends, family, neighbors, and the community you agreed to serve and protect. “We understand that”. They need you to be there, they need you. They are depending on you, they expected you to arrive. And you said, “I will show up, I will be the one”. And for our leaders in law enforcement, now is the time we need you the most. Your men and women need you to show up, and stand up for them, and lead and do what you do best. So you need to get your head straight and you have to ignore what you are seeing, what you fed to your brain. You need to clear your mind. Put that uniform on, and go back to the day you said; “I will take the Oath, I will serve. You are the one who was chosen. You believe that for so long. Your brother and your sister in blue need you now more than ever and what they need is the support. Not somebody who’s going to sit there and sling mud and complain. They need somebody to say “Hey we‘re not going anywhere. We‘re in this together. Let’s make sure we have each other’s backs. This is the time you must be your brothers and sisters keeper. Put on the uniform, show up, and dance with fear. Fear is never going away. Fear will be always in your life and how you embrace fear, deal with fear, will dictate, who you are, who your person is, what your character is, what you came to do. This is the time when our true heroes will prevail. In the darkest hours, the most difficult times. Do not let your community question who you are. Look deep in your soul, in your heart. It is in there. I know it is. It is not an easy time and I am not pretending that it is, but it won’t last forever.