Minister ECYS Congratulates the top performing students of school year 2022-2023 FBE Exit Exams
The FBE Examination exam is a compulsory exit examination for candidates leaving primary school. For the academic year 2022-2023, 494 candidates sat the FBE Exit Exam from May 9th – May 12th, 2023. The objective of the FBE exit exam is to evaluate and ascertain the quality of the FBE program. It assesses whether, and to what extent, the education provided meets the quality standards. It is a way of officially concluding the foundation-based education, hence the term exit exam. The results also help to determine which type of secondary education suits the need of every individual candidate.
After eight years of Foundation Based Education, candidates must show their level of understanding and proficiency in four subjects: English, Dutch, Mathematics, and General Knowledge. Dutch, English, and Mathematics consisted of 90 items, divided over three separate papers of 30 items each (Dutch A, Dutch B, Dutch C, English A, English B, English C, Mathematics A, Mathematics B, and Mathematics C). General Knowledge consisted of 60 items, divided over two separate papers of 30 items each (General Knowledge A and B). All papers, 11 in total, consisted of the same number of items (30).
The overall nationwide average score for the 2022-2023 academic year is 58%, an increase of 2 percentage points compared to the nationwide overall average of 2021-2022 which was 56%. The subject with the highest nationwide average score is English, 68% (69% 2021-2022), followed by General Knowledge 59% (56% 2021-2022), and Mathematics 59% (49% 2021-2022). Dutch had the lowest nationwide average of 47% (51% 2021-2022).