Caribbean talent agency supports new TWP rules
GEORGE TOWN, CAYMAN — A regional recruitment service operating throughout the Caribbean is voicing its support for the new rules for temporary work permits following the government’s announcement of more stringent requirements going forward.
“We fully support businesses hiring Caymanians first, and we support the government’s efforts to ensure citizens and residents have first priority for hiring,” said Joseph Boll, Caribbean Employment Services Inc. CEO. “While some work permits will no doubt be needed, and foreign labor can lend benefits to the local workforce and economy, we agree with the government that efforts should be made to help ensure qualified Caymanians have the first right to apply to jobs available.”
Caribbean Employment Services Inc. is a market-leading digital talent acquisition service that aims to connect the top talent from the Caribbean with hiring managers, HR professionals, and decision-makers in companies both within the Caribbean as well as abroad. Further, it aims to provide the region’s jobseekers and those who are already employed with news and resources related to Caribbean labor.
Boll, the organization’s CEO, was responding to new requirements that mandate job vacancies be advertised on JobsCayman for some two weeks first before a temporary work permit (TWP) can be issued, and also that businesses explain why they declined to hire a local worker when applying for a TWP. While the new requirements will not take effect until March 31, the government said the changes came about over concern that some employers may have been just applying for a work permit right off the bat without giving local skilled workers a chance to apply.
“Not only do we support initiatives that aim to ensure citizens and residents are hired,” Boll continued, “but we want to remind employers that we likewise offer resources to help them find and hire the best local talent for their vacancies. Jobseekers can also visit our website and create an account for free to make sure they avail themselves of every opportunity available to get placed with the employer that best matches their skill set, preferences, and more.”
Caribbean Employment Services Inc. is exclusively operational in the Caribbean region for natives seeking the best job opportunities both locally and abroad. As such, it remains committed to helping Caribbean jobseekers secure gainful employment.