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If you want to reach thousands of people every day with your advertising message guaranteed, then you should advertise with We have developed marketing techniques that make sure your advertising message is immediately seen by hundreds of people every time we publish a news item on We maximize the use of different marketing channels and media platforms to reach our readers instantaneously.

Why advertising is needed
Operating a news service is mainly dependent you advertising with us. One hundred percent of our income is generated from your advertisements. As an advertiser, you are advertising based on your sales and marketing needs. In a slow economy, your advertising might be the first expenditure to be dropped. While in a sluggish economy, your need to do more advertising is paradoxically greater. Even though advertising revenues may fall for a news service, the need for news and information will still be just as important as always. is not just another commercial business; it is a necessary and vital service in our society for news and information gathering and dissemination. Therefore, you should always make sure your advertising message is a part of our news and information service.

Editorial Policies & Guidelines brings you the latest news, factually and without embellishment. sole purpose is to inform the readers with news from government, institutions, businesses, and other relevant stakeholders in our society that have essential information to share with the public. Dissemination of news relating to St. Maarten is the primary objective of

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For rates, banner sizes, terms and more information, please email us via or call +1 (721) 588-0800 to receive a copy of our advertising rates sheet. You can advertise online on our website, in our email newsletter, on our Facebook page and in our Whatsapp news broadcast service.

You will reach thousands of people every day guaranteed when you advertise with us.

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