Prime Minister issues condolences

August 29, 2023 1:20 pm

PHILIPSBURG, Sint Maarten— In a world that can often feel overwhelming and isolating, it’s heartbreaking to learn of the loss of the bright life of Justice Peterson a young soul who was grappling with challenges we can now never comprehend. It’s a stark reminder that behind each smile we see, there might be battles waged within that none of us can fully grasp.

We remember this sweet person, not for the tragedy that marked his departure, but for the light he brought into our lives during his time with us. He had dreams, aspirations, and a unique spirit that touched the lives of those fortunate enough to know him. What is left are those moments of laughter, kindness, and connection, for they remind us of the beauty that once thrived within his heart.

In this time of sorrow, let us come together as a community to remember Justice for the incredible person he was. Let us channel our grief into a determination to raise awareness about mental health, to break down the stigma surrounding it, and to ensure that no one else feels so alone that they see no other way forward.

Justice’s untimely parting serves as a painful reminder that we must look out for one another, listen when someone needs to be heard, and offer a helping hand to those who are struggling. Let us honor his memory by advocating for mental health, spreading compassion, and working towards a world where no one feels as if they can’t go on.

Let us find ways to encourage everyone to share their emotions without shame and end the stigma surrounding mental health. As adults, let’s us sit with our youth to take steps to stop the bullying which may seem harmless to some but can cause so much pain. Let us give our youth the space to express themselves without judgement from the peers, or adults in their lives. Let them come up with ways to end the mental health stigma as well as end bullying among their peers. Communication is key and learning the best way to communicate with each other is something we all can work on.

I have no words for how heavy this day has been since I heard the news of young Justice’s passing my heart breaks for the parents, grandparents and other family members who are rightfully inconsolable in their grief. I pray for strength and courage for them to go on. I pray for peace for young Justice, and I pray for the spirit of this country.

If you or someone you know is struggling with thoughts of suicide, please reach out for help. You are not alone, and there are people who care about you and want to support you.