Road safety during the busy Carnival season
With the onset of the busy Carnival season, the St Maarten police remind motorists to prioritize road safety. In the coming weeks, the police will step up efforts to prevent vehicular accidents by raising awareness among as many persons as possible about the safety of all road users.
While the public should be able to enjoy the road during this Carnival season, the police also want to ensure that they arrive safely at their destination. Therefore, the police will be paying more attention to road safety and encourage drivers to do their part.
Sint Maarten Police's effort will include increased traffic enforcement, but also information campaigns to remind drivers of safe driving practices. These encompass everything from wearing a seat belt to avoiding distracted driving and drunk driving to how to use the roundabouts.
This Easter weekend, notwithstanding the heightened risks of mishaps in traffic, there were relatively few serious road accidents.
However, police remind motorists that even one accident is too many and that they should continue to prioritize road safety in the coming weeks.
While the police are encouraged by the relatively quiet Easter weekend, we know that the risks are always there, so we urge all drivers to remember that road safety is everyone's responsibility, and we will do our part to ensure a safe and enjoyable Carnival season.
KPSM is committed to promoting road safety and reducing accidents on our roads. We urge all drivers to join us by prioritizing safe driving and obeying traffic rules at all times.