Public warned against committing offenses during carnival season
As in previous years, the Sint Maarten Police Force KPSM and the Prosecutor’s Office OM SXM issued a stern warning to the public in particular revelers, to avoid committing offenses and to refrain from disruptive behavior during this carnival season.
The “Pay or Stay” method for anyone caught committing any offense and/or engaging in disruptive behavior will be applied during this carnival period. “Pay or Stay” means anyone issued a fine can opt to pay the fine or serve several days in jail. This method will only be applied to offenses for which a fine has been imposed by law.
OM SXM in collaboration with KPSM has drawn up a transaction fine list related to specific criminal offenses. The purpose of this list is to provide a clear overview of the consequences of committing these offenses.
KPSM and OM SXM continue to stress that committing offenses during Carnival will be punished. Police, therefore, request the public act responsibly during this period and respect the laws and rules of the country. In this way, together we can ensure that Carnival remains a festive and safe time for everyone.