Successful Samenwerkende Fondsen NL visit to SXM & Saba
Last week, 3 of the 4 funding agencies that collectively make up the ‘Samenwerkende Fondsen voor het Caribisch deel van het Koninkrijk’ (SFC) came to Sint Maarten and Saba for a working visit, meeting with over 25 NGOs and initiatives.
The SFC, which consists of Fonds Sluyterman van Loo, Kansfonds, Oranje Fonds, and Stichting Kinderpostzegels, has been collectively supporting NGOs on the Dutch Caribbean islands since 2004. All 6 islands have either a local representative or local office, that assists and advises NGOs and the funders with supporting social initiatives on the islands. On Sint Maarten, the office also supports the NGOs on Saba and Statia. On a yearly basis, the funders try to visit all the islands to get better acquainted with the local NGOs, hear about their needs, and the existing gaps on the islands, also get a first-hand view of how all SFC-funded projects have been progressing thus far and meeting with NGOs that might potentially have new projects that fall in line with SFC’s funding goals. These visits also provide further in-depth information on the policies and practices of the SFC.
During this visit, Fonds Sluyterman van Loo, which focuses on social senior projects, Oranje Fonds, which is a general social fund, and Stichting Kinderpostzegels, which focuses on social youth projects, came to Sint Maarten and Saba, after having visited Aruba and Curacao. During these few days, over 25 NGOs were visited and spoken with. Many insights were provided on how everything has been progressing socially post-Irma and since the pandemic, with them and their target groups, NGOs showed the fruits of their labor and the outcomes of the ongoing projects, gave insight into where most needs still lie, and what their goals are for their NGO but mainly for the target group they tend to.
It was another very enlightening visit for all. The funders of the SFC, and the local Project Advisor, Fleur Hermanides, would therefore like to thank all the NGOs that have welcomed us wholeheartedly and shared their thoughts, dreams, and space with us. ‘We greatly appreciate all that you have and continue to do for society. SFC is proud and happy to be able to contribute to all that you do, in making things better and brighter for those most in need.’
Are you an NGO with a social goal, and in need of financial assistance to execute your projects? Feel free to reach out to local Project Advisor Fleur Hermanides via,, and For more information on SFC and the opportunities it has to offer, as well as to download the general application form, visit: NGOs can also call/WhatsApp +1 721 586 08 08 for more information, or to make appointments. SFC can also be followed on Facebook to stay abreast of opportunities and follow projects SFC supports, through: