MP Silveria Jacobs resigns as leader of the NA

August 26, 2024 4:56 pm

~ Press Statement from Member of Parliament Silveria E. Jacobs – Monday August 26, 2024 ~

PHILIPSBURG -- One week after the result of the election and after much reflection and consideration of the fact that she was not re-elected, Member of Parliament and leader of the National Alliance since 2018, Silveria Jacobs utilizes this opportunity to inform that she has handed in her resignation as leader of the NA to the Board on Monday August 26th, 2024 with gratitude for the opportunity to lead. This move was one that the MP has been contemplating for some time, and had indicated said intent to the Board and Candidates back in May of this year once article 59 of the Constitution was invoked.

While leadership is determined by the Congress of the party, such would not be possible in the short term especially seeing the recent result of the August 19th Parliamentary election. The outgoing member of parliament is of the opinion that, while the party retains its status as the biggest party, that it would be unjust to maintain leadership considering the lack of support from the electorate. With this being said, her resignation will go into effect as of September 19th, the end date of her tenure as an elected Member of Parliament over the last10 years.

As the resignation goes into effect in a number a weeks, Jacobs further updated that, Deputy Leader of the National Alliance, MP Egbert J. Doran, will assume the role, allowing the necessary time for a positive transition of leadership when the newly elected Parliament sits on September 20, 2024. MP-elect Doran will also automatically serve as NA’s Faction Leader in Parliament. The party’s board will proceed to plan for the upcoming Congress.

“With this, I wish MP Doran all the best in his new role and will continue to serve the National Alliance as a member of the board and party, working together as one to ensure the continued growth, recognition and appreciation of the history of the party, and improve our connection within the community.

It has been my honor to serve St. Maarten in various capacities from 2012-2024, most recently as Prime Minister/Minister of General Affairs, Member of Parliament on a number of occasions, and initially, as your Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports. As leader of the National Alliance for the past six years, I thank the former Leader Mr. William Marlin and support of the Congress in 2018 for the confidence shown in me to take over the leadership of the party during a most difficult time in our history.

A special thanks to the President and board of the party for your unwavering support as well. Despite the many additional parties on the political landscape and challenges faced, the NA has held strong as a trusted party, the largest party on St. Maarten since 2010. We are grateful for the strong foundation of the SPM/SPA/NA which has sustained us.

The National Alliance has always been a Social democratic party working in the interest of all the people of St. Maarten. We look forward to ensuring quality representation in Parliament, as we reflect, assess and address the concerns and challenges that have led to our loss of votes in the last two elections held during 2024.

We may be down but we are definitely not out, as NA respects experience and encourages the growth of our youth within the party. NA consists of a group of professional, motivated, integral and grassroots candidates who are passionate to serve and are committed to the growth of the party. I am profoundly proud of my team, the National Alliance family, for the trust shown in me as well as their cooperation and collaboration in support of my inclusive leadership style.

I will forever be grateful for those who have voted for, believed in and encouraged me since entering the arena in 2010. I look forward to utilizing the experience gained and the lessons learned to continue to serve my beautiful Soualiga and contribute to the development of its people within the community, as well as support the National Alliance party in any way possible,” stated MP Jacobs.


See also the interview today with Wendell Moore live at: