Acting Minister of Education Lyndon Lewis, Takes Immediate Action During School Visits

May 21, 2024 1:05 pm

​Acting Minister of Education, Culture, Youth, and Sport (ECYS), Lyndon Lewis,continued his familiarization visits to public schools on Friday, addressing pressingconcerns at the Marie Genevieve DeWeever School and Oranje School. These visits are part of his commitment to visiting all seven public schools in the area.During his visit to the Marie Genevieve DeWeever School, Minister Lewis, who himself attended the school as a child, was moved by the dedication and challenges faced by the staff. One teacher became emotional, expressing her gratitude that Minister Lewis was the first to truly listen to her concerns. The school struggles with excessive classroom heat, overgrown perimeter bushes necessitating closed windows,bathroom issues, and various structural and curriculum-related problems.At Oranje School, although recent air conditioning installations have alleviated some issues, a dangerous power load problem persists, causing frequent fuse burnouts and posing a fire risk. The school also highlighted additional concerns regarding the shortcomings of the Department of Public Education.Demonstrating his commitment to immediate action, Minister Lewis has initiated several solutions to tackle these problems. He has arranged for the installation of air conditioning units and the upgrade of power capacities at four public schools to address the heat issue. Furthermore, he has ordered the clearing of overgrown bushes around the perimeters of the schools, including the Ruby Labega Primary School, to improve ventilation and safety Despite being in his position for only two weeks, Minister Lewis, who is also the Minister of Justice, reassured the management of the schools that he is dedicated to implementing swift measures to alleviate the challenges faced by teachers and students. His proactive approach aims to create a more conducive learning environment for all.Minister Lewis’s hands-on involvement and prompt responses underscore his commitment to improving the educational infrastructure and supporting the needs of both educators and students.The Minister will be visiting more educational institutions this week then the departments and divisions that fall under his responsibilities. ​