Launch and Free Giveaway of St. Martin Sea Life book this Saturday at Amuseum Naturalis!
French Quarter, St. Martin – The public is invited to the launch of a new book, St. Martin Sea Life, this Saturday from 9am to noon at Amuseum Naturalis at The Old House in French Quarter. Attendees can get a free copy of the book in English or French at the launch.
St. Martin Sea Life is a book that explores the marine habitats surrounding this island, from mangrove wetlands and seagrass beds, to coral reefs and the open ocean. Readers will discover how each habitat is special, and get to know some of the unique animals that live in each one.
“We are very excited to launch this guide to the sea life of St. Martin,” said author Mark Yokoyama. “It shows some of the amazing things we can see in our seas. We also wanted to explain how these plants and animals depend on each other in language that is easy for anyone to understand.”
The book features over 140 vivid color photos that will captivate readers both young and old. The book has been published in English, French and bilingual editions. It was produced by Les Fruits de Mer, and will be distributed to local schools as part of the association’s book program. The French translation was done by Amandine Vaslet. “We’re thrilled to share this special marine life book with St. Martin students and teachers through our 2023 program,” said Les Fruits de Mer President Jenn Yerkes. “And we invite everyone to come celebrate the island’s undersea world at the launch!”
The free launch event and book giveaway will be held at Amuseum Naturalis on Saturday, Saturday, December 2nd from 9am to noon. Amuseum Naturalis is a free museum of nature and heritage located in French Quarter, St. Martin. It is open every day from sunrise to sunset.
St. Martin Sea Life is also available from, and for purchase on worldwide. Teachers and youth group leaders interested in copies are encouraged to contact Les Fruits de Mer at Companies, organizations or individuals interested in sponsoring copies for schools are also encouraged to contact the association.
This book was made possible with the financial support of the Office of Biodiversity of France, thanks to a micro-grant from Te Me Um, a program from the Office of Biodiversity of France to support biodiversity in French overseas territories (TErres et MErs UltraMarines).